Mar 2019


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More States Ban Pay History Inquiry

Three more states have joined a growing number of states in prohibiting employers from inquiring about a potential employee’s past wage history.


In 2019 Connecticut, Hawaii and Virginia new comers to this growing list.  Their laws take effect in 2019.  Employers in these states can no longer ask job applicants about their past salary history.


In the past inquiring about past salary history has been a means by which employers attempt to determine what they should offer as compensation to a new employee.  This had led to trapping individuals in earning lower wages.  This practice disproportionately impacted minority workers.  Hence, the push to remove this option for employer to determine the appropriate level compensation.


Learn more about the pay history prohibition.

CT. Public Act No. 18-8
Hawaii SB.2351
Vermont H.294 (Act.126)

By Bill Williams