Direct Model:

Manufacturer/producer (you)  -->  Retailer  --> Consumer

Manufacturer/producer (you) --> Consumer


There are two ways you can implement a direct distribution model:


Option #1:

As a producer/manufacturer of a product you can establish your distribution channel by marketing your product directly to retailers who will in turn sell your product in their stores to consumers.  To use this model you will not utilize the service of a Distributor.  You will perform the role of a Distributor.  You will get the item manufactured and distributed to a warehouse where you will manage the distribution of the item to the retail stores.

 Get Into Major Retail Chains


Option #2:

Another approach would be to directly sell your product to consumers by establishing your own retail outlet or through a website such as your own website, eBay or  However, this may limit your ability to reach your potential customers and achieve the greatest amount of sales.

You should be mindful that many retailers don't like to purchase the product from you outright if they are not very certain that it will sell, instead they prefer to use the consignment method.  Consighment is where the retailer agree to let you place your products in their store and maintain a certain level of stockage in return for sharing a percentage of the retail price with the retailer whenever an item is sold.  The retailer will process the payment from customers and give you your portion of the proceeds.  This minimizes the risk and upfront cost to the retailer and it helps you to get your items in the store.  Once the item sells well you can change the arrangement with the retailer and have the retailer pay for the items upfront and sell it to customers at a profit.