Most individuals, if given the chance would prefer to be rich, be their own boss and not have to answer to anyone.  But, not everyone have what it takes to become an entrepreneur and achieve those goals.  Entrepreneurship is not suited to everyone.  It takes a certain type of individual to be an entrepreneur.  Do you have what it takes to ben an entrepreneur?.  Do you posess these traits?.


1.  Problem Solver: 


Do you see your self as a problem solver?.   Do you see opportunities instead of problems?.  When most people discover a problem they’re unable to device a solution to solve the problem.  They see get sutck on seeing problems instead of the solution.  This is what sets entrepreneurs apart.  Entrepreneurs see business opportunities when there is a problem to be solved.  


2.  Decision Maker: 


Are you a decision maker?.  Can you make decisions in a timely and efficient manner and be willing to live with the consequences?.  If the answer is yes, then you’re ready to ben an entrepreneur.  As an entrepreneur you’re the decision maker.  You can’t rely on others to make those decisions for you that only you can make.  You have to be able to act decisively and be willing to live with the outcome of those decisions (good or bad).


3.  Independent Spirit: 


Are you independent minded?.  Can you forge ahead alone if needed?.  Being able to go it alone is a critical trait an entrepreneur must have.  You’re alone when you’re in charge.  You have to make decisions and act on them without a support team.  Being able to make decision without having to report to someone else (unless that someone else is your customer base) is a required trait for entrepreneurs.


4.  Self Starter: 


Can you start a project on your own without the help of others and see it through?.   Have you every decided to change course and developed new skills so that you can pursue a new career?.  Self-Starters denotes ambition and a go-getter personality.  These are must have traits to start your own business.


5.  Good At Time Management: 


Are you good at managing your time?.  You have to be able to manage how you spend your time so that you can prioritize your tasks and focus the appropriate amount of time where needed in order to be successful.  If you can discipline yourself to prioritize and manage your time then you’re ready to be an entrepreneur.


6.  Good Project Management Skills: 


Do you have the ability to manage projects?.  Can you identify the detail tasks required to complete a complex undertaking and plan, schedule and manage those tasks to get them done on time.   Startups are complex undertakings that requires the ability to coordinate many individual tasks to a larger objective.  If you demonstrate project management skills, you’re ready to be and entrepreneur.


7.  Motivation/Drive/Passion: 


Are you a highly motivated person?.  Are you driven with a passion to get things done?.  You cannot set out on the path to entrepreneurship with being a highly motivated person with the drive and passion to accomplish a dream.  Entrepreneurship is a long, hard, lonely road.  Without motivation, drive and passion you will be lost and ready to give up. 


8.  Thick-Skinned: 


Can you withstand criticism or do you easily get upset when criticised?.  Criticism is a form of feedback.  As an entrepreneur you have to be able to take feedback from customers, friends, family and the public.  Sometimes that feedback can be critical.  Entrepreneurs know how to take criticism as positive feedback and not let it deter them from moving forward.     


9.  Risk-Taker: 


Are you risk averse or do you take calculated risks?.  Are you adventurerous?.  Stepping out on a new venture requires risk-taking.  You can’t start a new business with taking some risk.  Entrepreneurs by nature are risk-takers.  Risk-taking requires and adventurerous mindset.


10. Desire To Get Rich: 


Do you want to get rich or just solve a problem?.  If you want to become wealthy, then you’re ready to be an entrepreneur.  If you just want to solve a problem then walk away from it, then you’re not ready to be an entrepreneur.  Entrepreneurship is about creating an enterprise that can grow and achieve profitablility.