Have your own ideas, what's next

 These are some great Lawn Care small business ideas.  Lawn care presents an inexpensive startup opportunity.  Entry cost is very low and you can get started right away with potential customers in your neighborhood then expand out from there.  You can provide Lawn Care services that range from landscaping, groundskeeping, nursery, greenhouse operations, etc.  You can even create and sell your own lawncare products. 


1 Landscaping Service

Landscaping is big business in every state.  The customer base for this type of service range from middle class to the wealthy.  Organizations with real estate also require this type of service.  The opportunities are great.  This is a low cost entry industry with enormous potential for good profits.  Services you can provide should include landscaping, groundskeeping, nursery,  greenhouse, irrigation, etc.  Your customer base includes private property, government property, cemeteries, parks, universities, golf courses, rental property or condominium associations, etc.

2 Landscaping Products You can even create and sell your own landscaping products.  Landscapign products includes fertilizers, tools, etc.  The landscaping products industry generates over $67 billion annually.  If you decide to enter this line of business the potential for generating revenues are enormous.